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Podcast Ministry

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February 2022

Serving God Requires – The Grace of Forgiveness

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 2/6/22 based on 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.  We live in a culture that believes woundedness – how others treat us, is a more serious problem than selfishness – how we treat others.  However, we cannot live a victorious Christian life in that mindset. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to enable us with godly faith, hope, and love (agape), which give us ever present access to a victorious life through Christ!  He can deliver us from ruts of unforgiveness where we might find ourselves believing the lie that we could never forgive certain people.

January 2022

The Challenge to Serve the LORD with Joy and Gladness

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 1/23/22 t The Realm based on Psalm 100:1-5 and Philippians 4:4-7. Only a continued unselfish, genuine labor of love through the Holy Spirit will enable us to become living sacrifices that affect the evidence of God’s grace in our personal and interpersonal lives.  We can maintain an active participation of God’s grace when our love for others and passion for God are congruently aligned.  We need the mind of God working in us to keep His love alive in us.

The Lie that We are Saved to Serve Ourselves Through God

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 1/16/22.  It is based on 1 Peter 2:11-12.  Only a continued unselfish, genuine labor of love through the Holy Spirit will enable us to become living sacrifices that affect the evidence of God’s grace in our personal and interpersonal lives.  We can maintain an active participation of God’s grace when our love for others and passion for God are congruently aligned.  We can make a difference in this world, becoming the catalysts of social healing, as we move upward and onward advancing the selfless kingdom of our Christ by any means that He promotes!

The Common Lie That God Won’t Give Us More Than We Can Handle

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 1/9/22 via a Zoom broadcast.  It is based on I Corinthians 10: 12, 13.  Sometimes God gives us more than we can handle, but the truth is that He never gives us more than He can handle through us!  So don’t quench the Holy Spirit, but completely trust in Him!

Five Steps to a Deeper Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 1/2/22 in a Zoom broadcast for our New Year charge based on Acts 1:8.  This message is a prophetic call to encourage spiritually born Christians to live by the Holy Spirit.  He must be allowed to transform our minds and reconstruct our souls unto the holy work of personal evangelism.
(Reference: Based on an article by Vladimir Savchuk, 2/8/18.)

December 2021

God’s Gift of Mercy: A New Year’s Eve Message – How to Become New in Godliness

This New Year’s Prophetic Message was shared by Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson on 12/26/21 at RACC, Inc.
It is mainly based on Luke 18:9-14Hebrews 2:17Ephesians 2:4-5; and Titus 3:5.  This Holiday Season is not just about a holiday on a specific day, but, as Heaven would have it, a lifestyle of holy days, everyday. 

The Journey to Bethlehem: Part 3 – Hindrances to Watch and Pray About

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 12/19/21 based on Matthew 2:1, 2.  We can never think that our journey of faith will be paved with a red carpet of fame and fortune, or an easy way without any tests and trials.  We should never think it strange when various trials come our way.  The devil will try to land his one-two punch of temptations to hinder our progress along the way to Bethlehem and beyond.

The Journey to Bethlehem: Part 2 – The Traits of True Christian Disciples

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 12/12/21 based on Matt 2:1-2,10-11.  Are you suitable, or usable for God’s will?  Have you adhered to, or complied with His discipleship terms?  Would you like to?  If you meet His spiritual specifications, you will be able to enter in at the straight and narrow gate that screens out everyone who does not want to belong.

The Journey to Bethlehem: Part 1 – A Renewal of the Mind

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 12/5/21 based on Jeremiah 23:5, 6; Luke 2:1-7; and Matthew 2:1, 2, 10, 11.  As long as we are on this earth, in bodies of flesh, we will have to struggle with sin.  The only way to God is a walk of faith made possible by Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness.  He beckons us by His Spirit, leading us to the Messiah, Christ Jesus, the Savior of the World, Our Living Word, to be renewed with a holy mind.

November 2021

True Faith is Worth Fighting For!

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 11/28/21 based on 1 Timothy 6:12.
We cannot please, in other words, have a right relationship with God if that relationship is not based on true faith.  True faith is made of God’s Holy Word.  That Holy Word must make its acquaintance with the relational participant’s mind, transforming it into a new godly mind, with attributes of His Holy Spirit.


More Soon to Come!