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December 2023

Let God be Your Exclusive Thirst Quencher – A Prophetic Declaration for 2024 and Beyond

This brief meditative message was presented by Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson live at RACC’s New Year’s Eve Prayer & Praise Shut in Service on 12/31/23. It is based on Romans 6:13; James 3:8; and Matthew 12:34. We are required by God to offer our complete heart, mind, body, and soul for His service.

A Prophetic Teaching of Matthew – Jesus Came to Restore Us

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on Christmas Eve 12/24/23.  Matthew is basically letting us know that God wants to clean us up and replace the old contents of sin that have been innately stored, with new and improved contents that only He can provide.  In Matthew 16:25 Jesus says that if we insist on preserving our way of life, with all its wrong hungers and desires, we will lose it eternally! 

A Prophetic Teaching of Malachi – Prepare the Way of the LORD

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live from RACC on 12/17/23 based on Malachi 3:1 and Mark 1:1-8.  During this Holiday Season and beyond, may we continuously realize that, our success in preparing the way of the Lord will involve submitting and committing to the teachings of Christ Jesus, and listening to what the Holy Spirit tells us to do.  This will enable us to keep our bodies prepared as His temples. 

A Prophetic Teaching of Zechariah – Jesus is Our Shelter of Eternal Hope

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at the Island Nursing and Rehabilitation Center of Farmingville, NY.  It is based on Zechariah 2:10-13.  Zechariah leads us to ask for eyes of faith.  The Lord comes compassionately to help us live by faith in anticipation of a better day that is ahead while enjoying whatever blessings He chooses to bestow upon us now.  He wants our hope

A Prophetic Teaching of Haggai – How to Qualify as a Good Christian Steward

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at The Realm on 12/3/23 based on Haggai 2:5-9.  
This is the first prophetic teaching sermon of four leading to Christmas and our prophetic New Year expectations of faith.  God, the giver of life gives each of us a designated measure of faith.  He either places materials in our hands with faith attached, or faith in our hearts with physical materials attached.

November 2023

The Heavenly Privilege of True Gospel Pilgrims

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC on 11/19/23 based on 1Peter 1: 1, 2, and 22-25.
Gospel pilgrims are true worshipers, who are on a divine mission that is life long – a journey of faith that is motivated and fulfilled by God’s wisdom and power. He is the initiator, cultivator, and culminator.  Through Jesus, God’s only son, we can be reconciled back to the loving arms of the heavenly Father. 

How Thanksgiving Frees the Soul for Worship

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at the Island Nursing Home of Farmingville, NY.  It is based on Colossians 3:17 (KJV) – And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.
This Scripture helps us to realize that there is an attitude of gratitude to God for His intended purpose that should be developed.  The memories of our life

How to Wait While You’re Waiting on the Lord

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this prophetic revival message live at The Realm on 11/5/23 based on Isaiah 40:29-31.
In this message, he analyzed how even though it is common knowledge to note that good things can come to those who wait, this phenomenon called waiting is not very tasty at times.  We tend to grow weary and even faint during its process.  The weight and sin of youthful presumption during the waiting phases of life only hinders a Christian’s walk with God, their spiritual growth, their local church, and even the world wide Body of Christ corporately.

October 2023

God Kept Me, I’m Still Here!

This is a prophetic message spoken live at RACC on 10/29/23 (during the Tamar’s Oasis Women’s Ministry worship service), by Assistant Pastor Lisa Norris-Jackson, based mainly on Genesis 37: 26-28, 36.  God can keep us from falling, and can present us faultless in His gracious power, enabling us to testify…”God Kept Me, I’m Still Here!”

The Courage to Live by Faith

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at RACC based mainly on Genesis 12:1-4.  For it is high time for the called according to God’s purpose to unapologetically and unashamedly lead others to obtain and maintain – The Courage to Live by Faith!


More Soon to Come!