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Podcast Ministry

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January 2023

Becoming God’s Masterpiece of Maturity

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this live message on 1/22/23 based on Luke 2:52 and Hebrews 10:16-18.  This message serves as motivation for us to apply two main levels of preparation in our lives that Jesus modeled for us.  He did so in light of our moral and spiritual responsibility to become God’s moral code, living word, or living sacrifices.  The only wa

I Dreamed a Dream

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message live at The Realm on 1/15/23 based on Genesis 50:20 and Luke 23:34.  God may give you a dream by His Spirit, but oftentimes those around us may not want to throw us a party of congratulations and encouragement. You can lose sight of the Lord’s vision.  Trauma can impact our psyche to the extent that we may experience heightene

Did You Open and Use Your Gifts Yet? Part 2

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this live message on 1/8/23, yet based on Psalm 63:1-8. There is a malady that works to hinder a vital and right relationship with GOD.  HIS Spirit and Truth cannot be properly encountered when we are cut off from HIM by our own walls of noisy distraction.  There are certain contributors of a malady Pastor Jackson calls Spiritual Deficit Disorder (SDD).

December 2022

Did You Open and Use Your Gifts Yet?

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this Zoom meeting message on New Year’s Eve, 12/31/22, based on Psalm 63:1-8.  The LORD of Hosts wants to share three gifts with us, enabling us to establish and maintain a threefold representation of Himself in our lives.  We can maintain a vital, right relationship with GOD, and become more intimately aware of HIS spiritual gifts that we will need to fulfill our heavenly pur

Unwrap the Gift God Gave You

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on Christmas Day, 12/25/22, based mainly on Philippians 2:12-16.  It is usually a mysteriously exciting and fun-filled event when you have been given a wrapped gift.  You wonder what it is if the element of surprise has not been spoiled.  You also know that you will not be able to become well acquainted with the gift if you never open

Jesus Came to Restore Us

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 12/18/22 based on Psalm 119:9-16 and Matthew 16:25.  As Savior of the lost world, it is Jesus’ eternal intention to rescue all souls of mankind because we have been spiritually imprisoned, deceitfully and fatally sickened by the sting of death, and misdirected in our eternal heavenly purpose. 

Prepare the Way of the Lord

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 12/11/22 based on Malachi 3:1 and Mark 1:1-8.  Our success in preparing the way of the Lord will involve submitting and committing to the teachings of Christ Jesus, and listening to what the Holy Spirit tells us to do.  This will enable us to prepare our body as His temple.

The Smallest Godly Obedience is a Great Work

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 12/4/22 based on Nehemiah 6:9 and Nehemiah 7:1.  This prophetic word helps us to come to terms with the following questions: How does God want us to define great works?  How does the enemy confuse that definition?  How does the secular world view about great works differ from the biblical world view?

November 2022

The Sacrifice of True Worship

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 11/27/22 based on 1 John 1:5-10.
The sacrifice of true worship is God’s call to worship, which is a call to “repentance and the pursuit of a godly life-style.”  Answering His call gives us the purpose and evidence of true worship.  But, with these is the ongoing process of purity, of cleansing from sin.

How Thanksgiving Frees the Soul for Worship

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 11/20/22 based on Colossians 3:17.
There is a point in Kingdom work where obedience seems futile, nevertheless forging forward in the name of Jesus will lead to true thanksgiving for the soul.  We need to thankfully reflect on how the Holy Spirit has moved us to cultivate our souls in anticipation of an excellent harvest. God, the Holy Spirit wants us to move with Him, as He leads us on a spiritual journey or a pilgrimage that will enable us to continuously experience genuine thanksgiving that will keep our souls and minds guarded as the Lord’s disciple makers.


More Soon to Come!