September 2021
A Holy Hunger Will Bring Revival
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 9/5/21 based mainly on Ezekiel 11:19-21 The verses of this scripture reveal a process needed for true revival. The people of God were given passage to return to their land with a holy purpose to abolish idolatry. Only at that time God would establish a new […]
August 2021
Keep Your War Clothes on and Stay Eternally Fit Within!
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this (Zoom) Worship Meeting Message on 8/22/21 based on Romans 8:5 and Romans 13:13-14 In this devotional message, the Spirit is working to inspire us unto holy works of faith. He is working against the flow of secular traffic in the eternal hope that we all may pay attention to […]
The Deceptive Work of Sinful Pride that Hinders Holy Revival
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 8-15-21 based on Romans 12:3 and Proverbs 2:3. The law of sowing and reaping in the Lord’s Church can be applied as a social dynamic controlled by a certain spiritual malady that should not be overlooked or denied. The enemy works to maintain a stealth darkness around this […]
July 2021
We Must Choose Between Complacency or Revival
This message was shared by Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson on 7/18/21 based on Isaiah 40:29-31. This message helps us to realize that the Lord is cultivating prophetic encouragement to motivate His Church to experience revival, so that it may avoid becoming complacent in the process of its spiritual maturity. The Holy Spirit enables willing souls […]
June 2021
How Fruitful is Your Soul?
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 6/6/21 based on Matthew 13:18-23 (Compare Mark 4:13-20; and Luke 8:11-15). Jesus told a parable about a sower. The seeds of this sower were cast into various qualities of soil. The qualities of soil can be equated to qualities of the soul, i.e., levels of faith in […]
May 2021
What to Say When Someone Dismisses Female Leadership in the Bible
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message speaking at RACC’s 5/30/21 Tamar’s Oasis Women’s Ministry Service, based on Genesis 2:18. God created women to stand face-to-face with their own husbands, and with men generally in society, with opposite, but equally important attributes, filling in where he is weak, she will be strong, and with […]
Five Reasons Why Women Should Teach, Preach, and Minister – Part 2
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 5/16/21 based on Galatians 3:26-29. This message focuses on how God uses His daughters in ministry. He does not want them abused or disparaged by sexism. So much of this is going on around the world. Pentecost is always hindered by this false teaching, but God […]
Five Reasons Why Women Should Teach, Preach, and Minister
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 5/16/21 based on Galatians 3:26-29. This message focuses on how God uses His daughters in ministry. He does not want them abused or disparaged by sexism. So much of this is going on around the world. Pentecost is always hindered by this false teaching, but God […]
April 2021
How Jesus Defined Holiness
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 4/18/21 based on Matthew 5:13-20. We are not born naturally knowing exactly how to live in complete agreement with the Creator’s eternal expectations. Our bodies and souls are alive as we are born biologically, but our spirit is dead, in need of regeneration by the […]
Let Holy Praise be Your Pleasure!
Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 4/11/21 based on Psalm 5:1-4 and Psalm 150:1-2… Since we are living in a day where pleasure has been given a place above the throne of God. God’s Spirit wants all of us to be thoroughly reminded about His intentions for all of His creation.