Our Audio

Podcast Ministry

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November 2019

The Essence of Christian Fellowship

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this message on 11/10/19 based on 1 Corinthians 12:12 and Ephesians 4:16 – It is a prophetic teaching, exhorting us to realize that after obeying God’s command to properly cultivate, plant, and maintain our seedlings of faith, inevitably, by and by, there will come a season of harvest.  We will reap what we sow; in other words, we will experience the results of our relationship with God and people.  The message also focuses on how different giftings in the church work together as a covenant blessing.  Even though there are different spiritual attributes in the church built by Christ, they are complimentary, facilitating healthy growth.

October 2019

The Essence of True Communion

Sr. Pastor A. A. Jackson shared this Communion Service Message on 10/6/19 based on Isaiah 53:4-51 Corinthians 11:23-30; and 1 Peter 2:24, 25 – The Lord Jesus expects His followers to experience, on a daily basis, celebration of victory, as we testify of His redemption.  A daily examination of ourselves should also help us to maintain dependence on the provision of life that comes exclusively from Jesus as Lord.  Without this process of life-long cultivation, we will not enjoy true communion with Him.


More Soon to Come!